College Brochure
AU Code 1437
98408 60019
044-27174753/ 54 / 56
Science and

The Department of Science and Humanities inculcates basic knowledge in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English which is the foundation of Engineering Education. Mathematics, the queen of sciences is the basis for all branches of Science, Engineering and Technology. Any Complex ideas can be logically expressed by equations and formulae. Mathematics itself is a language through which difficult problems can be addressed.

The study of Physics uncovers the mysteries of nature through the knowledge of properties of matter. In the Physics laboratory adequate equipment and instruments are available for performing all types of experiments involving light and other forms of energy.

The study of Chemistry is crucial in all manufacturing processes where the transformation of one form of material into another. Equally important is the study of Environmental Chemistry and Engineering, to save the globe from pollutions. Theodore Von Karman remarked that a scientist is one who seeks to understand what is and an engineer is one who seeks to create what never was. It has become obvious therefore, the seamless merger and integration of science and engineering will yield neW interdisciplinary subjects.


  • Chemisty Laboratory
  • Physics Laboratory
  • Communicatoniend SoftSkills Laboratory

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